
Hearthstone big game hunter nerf
Hearthstone big game hunter nerf

hearthstone big game hunter nerf

I would hesitate to put a very powerful card like Sludge Belcher into a set that sticks around. We don’t want to do that now, but we don’t think we’ve solved how this whole thing works, so every year we’ll keep talking about it again and see if there’s a better way to do things. “ Mike Donais: I like the general idea that if people really love a card maybe it could come back or maybe it could go in the Basic set. IGN: Would you guys consider – in the future – subbing in new cards to the Basic set if you feel like there’s a role missing in that set that you just want to have an ever-present place? For instance, if you decided to put Sludge Belcher in the Basic set, or something along those lines. We love doing stuff like that and the community likes it too. And the nice thing is we can design cards that make those cards more playable, like we can make Mysterious Challenger, and suddenly, cards we thought were bad are good. Mike Donais: There’s always cards that don’t get played very much, like Paladin secrets for example, a year ago were never getting played at all. Did you consider looking at cards that never see play, but that have potential if they were buffed slightly and their power level was still kept in check? After all, these cards are very much your baseline for the game for the foreseeable future. IGN: In terms of revisiting the Basic and Classic cards, you guys have said that you won’t be buffing anything, that you’ll just be making nerfs for balance.

Hearthstone big game hunter nerf